Turn and Face the Son!

Let us run with perseverance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…  Hebrews 12: 1, 2

Driving on the grounds of the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina this past month, we saw miles of sunflowers turning their faces turned towards the sun. As you can see from the photo above it was a beautiful and amazing sight.

From sunrise to sunset everyday the faces of these young sunflowers follow the sun as it moves across the sky turning from east to west. Even on cloudy days this same phenomenon will occur as they seek out the tiniest rays of sunlight peeking through the darkness. Why? They inherently know that the more sunshine they get the stronger and healthier they will grow.

Jesus asks us to “Consider how the wild flowers grow.” (Luke 12:27 NIV) Do they struggle or get stressed out in the growing process, wondering if they will ever become what they were created to be? Or, do they rest in their God-given design and do what they were innately created to do, turning their face towards the sun? 

Consider the sunflower, especially If you are going through a dark period in your life where the circumstances seem to be clouding your vision of the Son. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the light of the world. (Heb. 12:2; John 8:12) As you do this you will flourish in all God created you to be.

The Healing Rooms are here to help you to turn your eyes upon Jesus, seeking His face. 

  • PRAYER – Click HERE  to schedule a prayer appointment.
  • WORSHIP – Soak in the healing worship before and after your in-person ministry sessions. Click HERE for more info.

In Christ’s love,
Sue Burdullis, Director of Camarillo Healing Rooms


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