No Further Breast Cancer Treatment Needed

I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I came in for prayer the night before I was scheduled for a mastectomy.  There would be tests performed on the removed lymph node and breast tissue for further examination on the state of my cancer.

The group of women who initially prayed with me anointed my forehead and hands with oil and then began to pray for me.  As they were praying, I could feel heat and pressure on both my hands throughout this prayer time.  The next prayer group that prayed for me said they could still feel the heat emanating off my body as they laid hands on me.

As a result of these prayers, all of my tests came back negative. There was no cancer found anywhere, and therefore no further treatment required.  God gave me peace throughout the process and I will be eternally grateful to God and all those who interceded on my behalf for this miraculous outcome.


Written Testimonies

The word “testimony” actually comes from a Hebrew root word, which means to “repeat” or “do again.”  Revelation 19:10 says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” These shared testimonies of what Jesus has done prophesy your breakthrough, the healing or miracle you need. What God did for these people, God is willing to do for you!



Share Your Testimony

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Psalm 105:1